CAST 2010: Software Testing the Wiki Way

Rock on Atlassian!
Image by Lachlan Hardy via Flickr

On Saturday, I will be flying from Sydney to Grand Rapids, MIchigan for this year’s CAST.  I feel quite privileged for 2 reasons:  the organizers of CAST have included a presentation of mine in their scheduled sessions and Atlassian (in particular my boss at Atlassian) have seen enough potential in the presentation to fund my trip.

Software testing with a wiki is a topic that I started working on quite a while ago, and it’s still an ongoing process.  My presentation began as a potential blog post last Winter.  After a bit of nudging by Matt Heusser and Chris McMahon, I submitted my would-be blog post as a CAST session and it was accepted.  It is quite humbling to be approached and encouraged by testers/people I admire the way I admire Chris and Matt.  I was also humbled by the retweets I got from testers showing their desire to see me present at CAST.

I could take the easy way out with my topic and write up another “talking head” presentation, but I’ve decided to go all WTANZ and do this thang Aussie-style (fearlessly and head-first).  I’ve made a prezi which I will quickly present at the beginning of the session.  I’m posting it here, because I hope everyone looks at it before they show up.  I hope y’all bring your laptops to the session charged and ready.  After I breeze through the prezi, the rest of the session will be all testing.  it will be done through a wiki. It will be fun.

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6 thoughts on “CAST 2010: Software Testing the Wiki Way”

  1. Nice! Very cool prezi, love the way you’ve put it together. Sounds like a very interesting topic, I’d love to hear more about it sometime.

  2. Hi Marlena,

    This is great news. Nice Prezi too. I’ve been using prezi a lot recently and love it. Seems so natural with the way I think.

    I’m really intrigued by your topic, it sounds fantastic. Good luck with the presentation.


  3. “I hope y’all bring your laptops to the session charged and ready.”


    “After I breeze through the prezi, the rest of the session will be all testing. it will be done through a wiki. It will be fun.”

    Mission Accomplished.

    Thank /you/! :-)

  4. Wow. I hope you do end up blogging about this, because I really liked that prezi, but would love to hear about the rest of that prezi too. Esp as I’m in a “greenfield” situ right now (new job! First tester in the company!) and so I’d love to make sure I get some good foundations down.

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